Categoría: noticias
Fecha: 12/02/2013

Chile ha sido escogido como sede del Congreso Internacional IPRAS 2011, Congreso de Cirugía Plástica Reconstructiva , y la Casa elegida para albergar el evento, ha sido Espacio Riesco.

Los organizadores explican que Nuestro país les parece sumamente interesante dada la infraestructura que existe para albergar esta clase de Congresos.
“Chile tiene lugares de conferencia fabulosos, con hermosos y modernos edificios, áreas interesantes fuera de la capital…”

Este congreso ofrece una oportunidad sin precedentes para intercambiar ideas con los cirujanos plásticos de todas partes del mundo, aprender de sus experiencias y compartir .
Tenemos el placer de comunicar esta invitación a médicos de todo el mundo a unirse a un evento estelar en el calendario de la cirugía plástica

Chile hosting one of the most successful IPRAS world congresses in our history The main reason of visiting the distant and interesting country of Chile was the organization of the 2013 IPRAS World Congress. We have to confess that this journey proved to be productive beyond any of my anticipations. Our knowledge of the country was elementary and mainly revolved around a financial and
political level. On this journey, we had the opportunity to experience a country of continuous and exceptional economic growth, highly organized, with very good infrastructure and most importantly, with humane, hospitable and joyful people. Everyone we met there and cooperated with for the 2013 congress, impressed me to such a degree, that we are fully convinced about the chances of Chile hosting one of the most successful IPRAS world congresses in our history.

Chile has fabulous conference venues, hotels, restaurants and museums. It is graced with beautiful modern and old buildings, well-structured streets, sites filled with green, favorable weather conditions (the climate in Santiago can be characterized as “Mediterranean”) and interesting areas outside the capital, both in the north and the south. The various suppliers offers excellent
prices that we guaranteed for IPRAS participants for the 2013 congress while the hospitable people will make the visitors feel at home and amongst loved ones from the moment they arrive. We would like to congratulate the people of Chile on all their recent achievements in a economical and political level, highlight their unaltered South American temperament, and thank them dearly
for their hospitality, their exceptional cooperation and their willingness to contribute to the success of the 2013 IPRAS World Congress.

Mr. Zacharias Kaplanidis, had the in the following World Congress in Vancouver, the Chile 2013 booth will highlight the exhibition area. We look forward to seeing them so we can wish them every success.

Finally, we would especially like to thank the staff of the officials of the Santiago Convention Center “ESPACIO RIESCO” (General Manager, Mr. Sergio Gutierrez Torres, Sales Manager, Mrs. Dzella Campos and Commercial Executive Mr. Daniel Martinez) who
treated us with an exceptionally professional manner and with a hospitable and warm attitude helping us understand the country of Chile and its people even better.
